New Podcast!

If you desire to read it: Well you will have to wait a bit they didn't post a transcript yet.

The high points:

English Countryside:
Faster Crop Mastery
Friendly Avatars Guides and Challenges
All new Crops, buildings and more
Level 20 and Above

You can send lower farmers goodies to get them ready
Look forward to fan page updates.

Something soon to do with the Greenhouse and seeds.

A new promo soon, (we think they mean the AVG one)

A FOURTH new Tree from the seedlings.

This has to be the most insane awesome day in the history of trees in Farmville.  The Giant Golden Apple has made its appearance in the seedlings!

We expect soonish that Farmville will be enhanced and the Ability to Grow the Regular Golden Apple and Regular Caramel Apple I will be removed.  So those may be the ones you wanna focus on, good luck farmers.

New Coin Scam.

It didn't take long before the scamming folks to make fake pennies to try and dupe folks.  So lets compare the real one to the fake one.  The most obvious thing again will always be that if you put your cursor over the photo the real one will have the link "" plus a bunch of extra code, the fake one says something about "pages/farmville-bonus".  Also the wording is wrong, but the easiest way to stay on top of these is to watch for the url that the links take you to.  Onthefarm=good.  Others=Badbad.  Stay safe farmers share so hopefully your friends won't fill up your wall with the fakes.