Slow Roll Out: Duck Pond Expand

Need More room for all your quacking friends?  Good news the Duck Pond Expand is slowly rolling out

To Hold 30 Ducks you need 20 Water And 20 More Shovels.

To Hold 40 Ducks you need 20 Water And 20 More Shovels.

So if you don't have the expand yet go ahead and stock up and you should have it soonish.


A Zunga, I mean Zynga rep says that going to full expand could be very bad things,  who knows.


Just to play devils advocate, If they didn't intend to release it, why was it coded as a slow roll out?  Also why haven't they done a hot fix if a 40 duck pond is so awful…?

Giant Sour Apple: New Tree From Type B Seedlings

So just like the trend, a new Tree is in the Type B Seedlings before the Market. A new tree tonight only shameful its a giant, I hope this isn't a trend.   Seems kinda lazy, Instead of making 2 unique trees, just make 1 tree, then upsize it.  But of course Zynga isn't lazy…

Would have been so much cooler if it was a Tainted Apple

Don't have a clue what a Type B Seedling is? read this:

Sheep Scam, Total Poop.

See this, this is a load of fertilizer, again people said "OOOH I GOT CLICK FAST I SHOULDN'T READ THIS AT ALL!" and now my feed, and other folk's feeds are full of this nonsense.  See that "farmestate_"  That's not farmville.


Wanna know the way you can easily know if the Orange sheep with Blue Stars is out?  We'll tell you.  Just keep a look out on what you click, share this so your friends maybe won't flood your feed like mine is.


Stay Safe Farmers.