Could new trees Be Out in the Type B Seedlings? Maybe, Possibly not.

So I've kinda been on the fence about making a post on these 2 trees, but here goes.  For the past hour or so, I've been following the trail of these trees back to where they came from.  The person that sent me these screen shots, said they got their trees from a friend that grew them, and that person said they got them from a friend, and so on.  Until I got to a person about 12 folks back in the chain, that would not tell me where they got their trees.  But they are a person known for going to live chat to beg/lie/cheat to get stuff early, so Who knows whats up.

So these *could* be out there, but we cant say for 100% sure.  Right now folks are passing around the 2 unreleased new Level 2 trees, so its likely you maybe can grab one from the feed.  We will keep checking to see if we can find out for 100% where these came from, but based on research by about 10 people with about 3500 Type B seedlings, something is rotten in Denmark so to speak.

Follow up: Yeah Clearly these are out there and being spread around, but the only mystery is if they show in the Type B Seedlings on their own accord, or did they only show up due to "special things happening"  Still hard to say.