More Gaga

Gagaville continues in tonights update with new market items.  The horse makes a foal like always. Four new trees, the Big Chrome Cherry and the Giant Gem Fruit are available from mystery seedlings. A bunch of decorations (yes, the Crystal Mushroom is the prize from last Gaga's quest).  There's also 2 not Gaga related overpriced Rams. And last but not least, the Bedazzled Combine and Bedazzled Gloves.
New animals

New trees
New decorations

New vehicle & costume

Darn you Zynga, Now I’m gonna have to get a Pigpen.

This isnt out yet, but As soon as I saw the Swirl Pattern Pig Design the first thing that went through my head, was the Sega Dreamcast.

Thanks to my buddy Gab for helping me see my vision in full color.  I mean I do not care about the ugly flashy scary sheep, or the colors, but the Sega Dreamcast Pig, that is possible, Excites me!

It may take a number of times to get the Pure White Pig and then get that exact color of Orange in the Swirl.  But Zynga You have reeled me in.  I'm on the Hook, you just need to release the upgraded Pigpen so I can start harassing my neighbors for Potions so I can get the One True Pig.  Or maybe a matched Pair… Ooh and maybe the UK Dreamcast Logo…  It was a blue Swirly.

Anyway, For the 2nd time lately Zynga has done something that excites me that isn't trees.

1) The Possible Dreamcast Pig

2) That Animal Paint thing, that could be fun.  If done Proper.

So Congrats to Zynga You have actually got me excited for something other than trees, So Don't ruin it.  Maybe other players will be more excited too.  Who knows…

Well Has Zynga done anything lately that makes you happy/Excited/Ragey?  Throw it in as a comment.

Also Share Dreamcast Pig, he is awesome!

A little birdy Told me: Hint for tonights Gagaville Quest

You will need to Request 5 Items

You will need to plant 100 of One of the Gagaville Crops (not the 2 from the 25th)

And Do some Ferting on Neighbors Farm.

The Prize as of right now is A Crystal Lake (appears to be also the thing in the Market for like 16 cash I thnk)


ALL THIS could change, or Zynga could change the prize shortly after Midnight. 

1 Hour to go. 

Could new trees Be Out in the Type B Seedlings? Maybe, Possibly not.

So I've kinda been on the fence about making a post on these 2 trees, but here goes.  For the past hour or so, I've been following the trail of these trees back to where they came from.  The person that sent me these screen shots, said they got their trees from a friend that grew them, and that person said they got them from a friend, and so on.  Until I got to a person about 12 folks back in the chain, that would not tell me where they got their trees.  But they are a person known for going to live chat to beg/lie/cheat to get stuff early, so Who knows whats up.

So these *could* be out there, but we cant say for 100% sure.  Right now folks are passing around the 2 unreleased new Level 2 trees, so its likely you maybe can grab one from the feed.  We will keep checking to see if we can find out for 100% where these came from, but based on research by about 10 people with about 3500 Type B seedlings, something is rotten in Denmark so to speak.

Follow up: Yeah Clearly these are out there and being spread around, but the only mystery is if they show in the Type B Seedlings on their own accord, or did they only show up due to "special things happening"  Still hard to say.

The Early Bird Gets the Goods?

Two Days in a row now Zynga has changed something that happened at Midnight.

First it was the 100,000 Coin Sows becoming 20 Cash Sows

The 2nd being the Gagaville Quest changing from "Gaga Grow" to "Crystal Mushroom Deco"

Is it possible Zynga has decided its better to Punish players that do not log in RIGHT at Midnight?

The first time, I could see is an "accident", but to have the same basic thing to happen 2 times in a row, strange.

Lets watch for the next time Zynga does such as this.
  Could this be their new plan?  Who knows, they do not really seem to know what they are doing at times, but then other times, they really appear to be clueless.