Darn you Zynga, Now I’m gonna have to get a Pigpen.

This isnt out yet, but As soon as I saw the Swirl Pattern Pig Design the first thing that went through my head, was the Sega Dreamcast.

Thanks to my buddy Gab for helping me see my vision in full color.  I mean I do not care about the ugly flashy scary sheep, or the colors, but the Sega Dreamcast Pig, that is possible, Excites me!

It may take a number of times to get the Pure White Pig and then get that exact color of Orange in the Swirl.  But Zynga You have reeled me in.  I'm on the Hook, you just need to release the upgraded Pigpen so I can start harassing my neighbors for Potions so I can get the One True Pig.  Or maybe a matched Pair… Ooh and maybe the UK Dreamcast Logo…  It was a blue Swirly.

Anyway, For the 2nd time lately Zynga has done something that excites me that isn't trees.

1) The Possible Dreamcast Pig

2) That Animal Paint thing, that could be fun.  If done Proper.

So Congrats to Zynga You have actually got me excited for something other than trees, So Don't ruin it.  Maybe other players will be more excited too.  Who knows…

Well Has Zynga done anything lately that makes you happy/Excited/Ragey?  Throw it in as a comment.

Also Share Dreamcast Pig, he is awesome!