Capital One Promo getting close

The Capital one Fanpage has just added some larger photos of whats going on tonight.

The most interesting thing is:

They already are showing the Mastery Statue and the 2 Visigoth Outfits.  Could this be another Prize?

Also as soon as we find out more about the "Fast Cash" promo we surely will share it with you folks, and if this is a US Only or a Worldwide promo we will also share as soon as we know.

Craftworkshop Now Functional! SLOW ROLL OUT!

So here is whats up, the Craft Workshop, ya know that kinda ugly Red thing, is now starting to function for some folks, and I expect within a few days everyone should have it.  So lets take a look at what we can make in it.


I think the mastery levels could be neat, and I really wanna see that Animal Paint craft we saw in the pre-release files

So there you have it, the building finally does something for some folks, and soon hopefully for everyone.

Share so your friends can get a jump on what bushels to have.