So… These Folks won a Tree, Are you on the List? Maybe if you followed Directions.

Here are the folks that were picked from those that followed the directions and had the right answer. 

Judy K
Sarah C
allen c
Melinda C
Nicole N
trish K
brenon s
stephanie f
erika F
jenz B
ben W
traci m
nila j
Christine H.
Juileanne W.

So If you see your name up there, or think you do, you should check out your farm and see if you made with the Winning.  If you are sure you see your name but don't find anything, throw out a comment and we'll get it figured out.


PS: There will be a Balloon Tree Contest Tomorrow.  Just make sure that "Boy, ain't you got no learnin'?!?" "

Both Fruit Bar Crops and Signs

So as you can see in the photo the beloved Cow Of Brown is guarding my pair of Fruit Bar Crops.  How was I able to plant both crops?  Well I didn't use an I-Device.  Nor a Proxy, or any nonsense like that.  I'm just fortunate enough that my location is right on the state line between my Dreyer's State and the next state over being Edy's.  I'm sure that some folks can make do with having a friend sign into their account, but part of the requirements would be not logging into your farm for quite a while, and allowing the friend to take over your Facebook/Farmville for possibly 4 to 24 hours.

Honey Locust Contest, Because some folks love the wood

Reading is Fundamental.


Simple as pie.  Comment on the site (NOT THE FAN PAGE) and share.  Your comment should be the scientific name of the Honey Locust tree.  No comments will be published until 9:00 PM Eastern.  And the contest ends at 9:00 PM Eastern. 

20 Trees will be handed out, 20 Correct Random Entries will get the tree.

PS: remember the helpful tips for the Giveaways

1) Do not list your website as ANOTHER FARMVILLE FAN SITE

2) If you have your Facebook Privacy set tighter than Fort Knox, Maybe just leave your UID from Facebook as your Email address, but make sure its the right one.

3) If you desire to try and cheat at a contest, You should learn about Proxies and IP Addresses.

4) And if you are gonna try and cheat with multiple "entries" making the same Typos, really isn't gonna hide your deception.

5) (because there is no eight) Remember If you leave you a comment on a contest requiring a share, and leave your Facebook email, and your wall is public, and there is no share post, I can see that you may have lied. 

6) If you haven't liked the fan page, and I see that you haven't, you will never ever win.  At least until you correct that.

7) Humans named Erin that live in Colorado are not eligible.