Some Random Bob Thoughts plus some Contest news.

Rooster Garlic MasteryFirst off, I'm *still* not done with the contest finishing from earlier in the week.  I've had some real life stuff that's pulled me away from the important stuff (Farmville site Doings).  I'm to travel back to Tennessee very very soon, so that's semi distracted me.  But soon the results and prizes and answers will be posted and all that jazz.  🙂

A few random thoughts on the Recent FV Doings…

Craft Shop is actually interesting now.  I really want some of those insane signs like Nail Master.  Etc.  Now if It was just easier to get the bushels I need…

I suspect a *very* large number of older trees are gonna show back up soon.

The Unreleased Animal Mastery signs, I semi hate.  1) the Design, 2) the Color, 3) The Small image of the Animal. 4) That most of the animals so far found have been cash Animals.  But if I can get a Sign with my Beloved Cow of Brown, I can dig it.

Rooster Animal in Mystery Game.  Makes me Wonder if Baby Chickens may happen in the future?  The Stallion was out a Full MONTH before You could have foal offspring.

Also about the signs, its funny to me they are in the shape of Stop Signs.  As if they are trying to send us a Message.

I would not be surprised if we start seeing instant ready boosts for animals now.

Maybe Zynga will just start putting Mastery Signs in the market, ya know cut right to the chase.

I still think its scummy to put something highly wanted as the Bonus Item in the Mystery Game.  But then again, Scummy is nothing new.

Its very likely the 30x Expansion will be Cash.  But maybe Zynga will make one of the Cash Expands into a Coin one?

Yeah the Share Counter is Broken at the moment, but the share button still works.

Platinum Forever Mastery Statues… Cough Cough.
 Maybe Admiral Ackbar has something to say about it…

Anyway, more news to come as we know it, and I'm having to update and change my Crafting Mastery guide because of the new items, so It'll be delayed a bit.

Plus going to hopefully have a few more folks posting on the site soon, and working on keeping pages up to date and all that jazz.  All our fans and followers and chat room visitors and site helpers and stuff are just great and help keep the site semi functioning well. 😉
