Betrayal and Greed is tonight’s Theme + Fairys

Also the Mini Unicorn doesn't have a Foal, the Big Fairy Horse Does.  The Purple Hanging Flower is the Level 2.

Yep They have decided to put the Vineyard Horse into the Market, Thus I think this is in awful taste to those folks that threw a ton of Darts just to get the Horse.  And I hope EVERYONE that had to throw extra darts (over 5 on that game) Goes to Customer Service and complains A lot.


And in the Greed theme, is the fact the Pink Hanging Flower (the Level 1 Tree) is going to likely come in 5 different prices depending on the player!  Between 3 and 10 cash.  This is so Zynga to see exactly how much they can squeeze out of players.  I also expect the Next Level 1 Tree to be a Price Test.


2100 harvests for 3rd star Purple Toadstool Mastery

And yes there are bushels.


3800 harvests for 3rd star Red Toadstool Mastery

And yes there are bushels.


I remember when Cash crops were for Charity.

And then Zynga decided they were a Charity.

If you threw a bunch of Darts, to get the Bonus Vineyard Horse..

Would you feel betrayed if Zynga was to throw this Horse in the market as a Cash Buyable Animal for say 30 cash within just a few weeks of it being the Bonus Item in the Vineyard Mystery Game? 

Because Its likely to happen.  Its just Zynga's way of Thanking the Loyal Players that threw a bunch of Darts to get the Horse.


And By "Thanking" I mean Slapping you directly in the face.


Maybe Zynga deserves the current trend.  I mean the flocks and flocks of players dropping out of the game.

Unreleased for August 10th



A glimpse into the sheep and pig mastery signs:



A new breeding pen is coming? This could be interesting!

New fairytale items loading screen:


Also, it looks like the English Countryside quests will be coming to an end:

Special Sale! TWO HOURS ONLY!

Some farmers have been getting a pop-up on their farm for a special limited sale. This sale has a timer for only TWO HOURS so if you want the items, act fast!! The items are:
Pink Combine for 120 fvc
Gold 2x Mastery Statue for 19 fvc
80 Fuel Refills fro 75 fvc
Clydesdale Stallion for 32 fvc
3 Completed Orchards for 50 fvc
15 Love Potions for 22 fvc
A Mystery Game Dart for 15 fvc

For those who received the pop-up later, 2 additional items were added:


Blue Cow for 20 fvc

Giant Rainbow Tree for 9 fvc