She’s as Cold as ICE! Two New Unrelease Crops, A Change to Flowers Plus…

I Wonder if My friend Bonnie is gonna be excited about this one or no.  But anyway, here comes a pair of frozen Flowers.

Rumor has it, the Perfect Bunches of Flowers May be going away.  Or may even already be gone.


There is various tidbits that point to a 4th Farm.  Yes I know, the Lighthouse Cove is barely a Month old. 

Well this new Farm is titled "Winter Wonderland"  Which suggests its intended for the Holidays that happen late in the year. 

More on this as we know it.  And more on the Perfect Bunches likely retirement/changes as we know it.

Whoa Boy! New Super Crops are here!

So in what's became Zynga Standard Fashion, they somehow screwed even this up.  The super Hay has no Name, and the Super Pink Roses are showing up as a "Turnip"


Level 3 Mastery Numbers for these Crops are as follows

Super Pink Roses: 13000
Super Chandler Blueberry: 4200
Super Hay: 2700
Super Lady Slippers: 4800
Super Peanut: 6000
Super Peas:  18000

A new Survey Points at a new item coming soon. Plus talk of Various Subscriptions.

So Its always seemed odd to me, the 2 Mastery Statues Show a Duck and A Tree, and they work on Crops and Trees.  I guess Zynga is gonna correct that oversight and hopefully get some cash out of its players!

Oh yeah Zynga's desire for your money doesn't end there, they are asking about various Subscription Based options.  This is troublesome

If you wanna check out the survey its at

Bigger is “better”, more stuff in the market.

So for reasons that likely rhyme with Hazy, we have been graced with the Big Brown Chicken and the Big Clydesdale.

For 25 Cash You can have a Bigger Version of the Clydesdale that produces the normal sized Clydesdale Foal.

And for 10 cash you can have a Brown Chicken that's larger, but still lays brown eggs.  Plus this one is found in the Common Shared Aviary Eggs.

Here are images from my farm showing the "massive" size difference.

Just Wow.