Shrouded in Secrecy – Zynga’s Phoenix Farmville Meetup

The curtain of secrecy has been lifted after the completion of Zynga's official Farmville Meetup party thrown Saturday November 12th for the loyal players in the greater Phoenix, Arizona area.  The Phoenix Farmville Meetup group has long been the largest Meetup group in the nation, boasting over two-hundred players in their facebook group.  The group's numbers swelled even more after whispers of an OFFICIAL Zynga sponsored meetup in the area started sneaking out weeks ago.

Using a third party event organization site, Zynga invited players in the Phoenix area to register for the party knowing only the date and time, but not the location.  "TBD A Central Location" was all the information any got until the evening before the event.  Spirits were lifted and broken as the early registration tickets turned out to be worthless, and emails were sent out to players requesting more information.  These were followed with "refund" notices for the free tickets from the event site for some unlucky farmers, and subsequently "Dear John" type form rejects from Zynga.  Even the chosen few had to wait until the final hours before the event before receiving their official ticket with the secret location revealed. 


We regret to inform you that due to space and capacity limitations, we are unable to accommodate your request to attend the Private Phoenix Meetup Event, November 12th.

We thank you for your interest in attending, and ask that you stay tuned for upcoming events.

Best Regards,

FarmVille Community

For those either lucky enough to be counted among the attendees naturally, or those like myself who sent emails and facebook messages frantically in the final 24 hours to both the fan leader Pam F. and the listed event host with the email address begging for acceptance, adrenaline raced with anticipation.  Due to a joint effort between Taylor from Zynga sorting through the final 24 hours' exceptions and Pam fighting tirelessly to get some of the charter Phoenix Meetup members included, the final guest list was decided. 

The promise of a "Question and Answer" session was perhaps the more alluring concept, even topping the offers of free food, free alcohol, and socialization at Alice Cooper'stown in Phoenix, Arizona last night.  Questions poured in through email, using the tireless and effective local group leader Pam F. as a conduit, and onto the Zynga representatives.  

However, due to the Non Disclosure Agreement signed upon arrival at the event, none of the amazing and wonderful content revealed at the event can be shared here.  However, the one thing I did hear before signing on the dotted line was, "Do you know Bob?"  Apparently our fearless leader has friends in high places!

It was my pleasure to be included at this once in a lifetime FarmVille themed party.  I was particularly impressed by the amount of face-to-face chit-chat time afforded by the seven FarmVille employees present, including the programming director, the art director, the senior community manager, and more.  They were very warm, welcoming, and generally fun people!  And yes, the havoc and begging and stress and struggle was worth it; I brought home a few tangible goodies and even more memories, and have already started adding new neighbors on the farm that I met at the event. 



Since People Keep Asking, What are the Point of the Scraps of Lumber?

11/16 update: But like most every event basket, there are different styles of Items, Thus, Scraps of Lumber = Smores=Weiners=Blankets=Pile of Kindling

It doesnt matter Which you put in the bonfire, all 5 of these things = 1 supply, which in the ingame screen is represented by the Smore.

They are for the Thanksgiving BonFire 2011 (aka the Thanksgiving Basket) and the Thanksgiving Bon Fire Prizes are:




With the Calf being the product of that cow up there.

Are you building a mini Train set? Lets see what you’ve got

With Folks finishing up Chapter 8 of the LHC, and that the prizes are the Mini Locomotive and Mini Caboose, plus some train tracks, and even a train depot building.  I thought I'd build me a kinda small little train system on my farm.  I know why the trains do not drive around the track, and I'm ok with it, I do wish there was a few more Mini Train cars to shove in there.  Also if some of the pieces matched up just a little better.  Anyway, here is what I ended up with, have you ended up with anything interesting? 

Thanksgiving Bon Fire Quests: Which Corn, Potato, etc Will Count?

Whenever we have quests, it almost seems without fail, they include a quest or 2 that the crop to harvest isnt 100% clear on what all would be allowed.  For example when it says Strawberry or Pumpkin, Does this mean it will only accept the Basic Strawberry and Basic Pumpkin?  The crops people have long since mastered.

Well On the upcoming Thanksgiving Bon Fire Quests the following 6 crops are needed to be planted:


I find it funny that the Aloe is the crop you grow in a quest relating to fire.  Remember kids if you like burn yourself getting something out the oven or some such, go break a piece off your Aloe Vera plant and squeeze the insides out on the burn.  Its magical.  And if you do not have an Aloe Vera Plant, I really suggest growing one, and you can easily keep it alive even if you do not have a green thumb.

Anyway back to the doings

Wheat will accept: Regular Wheat and Red Wheat
Corn will accept: Butter and Sugar Corn, Posole (Blue) Corn, and Regular Corn
Potato will accept: Super Kennebec Potato, Regular Kennebec Potato, Super Potato, Cara Potato, And Regular Potato
Aloe will accept: Regular Aloe and Super Aloe.
Strawberry will accept: Super Strawberry and Regular Strawberry
Pumpkin will accept: Super Pumpkin and Regular Pumpkin

So these different options surely will change up your game plan. 

Such as the Regular Potato taking 3 days vs 2 days for the Cara vs the 1 day for the Kennebec Tater.  Or how the Regular corn is 3 days vs the 12 hour Posole and 12 hour Butter and Sugar Corn.  Regular wheat is 12 hours vs the 3 days on Red Wheat.

If most of the above makes no sense to you, maybe you should check out these posts:

And just because it seems like a good time to say, these likely will start in about 3 or 4 days.  And like will be "Open" meaning all 3 current farms being useable.  Also you do not have to do any quests, you can ignore them, so please don't complain about "too many quests" etc..

Tonights Upcoming Raffle, It has a new recolor of a horse!

I'm sure some people are interested in this next raffle, but I see nothing of value to me.  I do know some folks are gonna want that horse.  Hopefully they have been saving their tickets. 

Remember this is the next raffle, the one that will be drawn NEXT Sunday night, not tonight, so dont put a bunch of tickets in now and expect to win the horse or bridge…

The Next Mystery Game Sneak Peek

So yes I'm aware this is only 6 items, and these days mystery games have 7 items.  I'm guessing the missing item is likely from an old mystery box/Game related to fall/autumn doings.  I have a few ideas of which it is, but I'm not sure.

So once we have the 100% confirmed info it will be posted.

Tonight’s Market Update! Santa Puppy! Oh yeah and other stuff

For the most part you should know what to expect these things seem to follow a basic pattern, Don't buy Level 2 Trees.  The Horses have Foals.  The Santa Dog is Epic.  The Giant Santa Sheep isn't a whole lot larger than the other.  The Miss Santa outfit is still epic.  Also it doesnt appear any of the animals can be picked up for free from habitat bundles, but you can surely clone you an army of Santa Puppies.  (I plan to)

Zynga makes a Huge Fluffy Pink Sugary joke.

So from time to time Zynga does this Limited time thing, where they sell old cash stuff (and building parts etc) at a discounted price.

Discounted prices are awesome.

But I think this may be the first time they mucked it up so much

Just shy of 6 times the original price.    Be interesting to see if they change the price, or just let it expire.  Some of the other stuff may be a good deal if you are interested in it.  So click the little clock on the right hand side of your farm and see what you can see.

And Now I want some Cotton Candy.