Quest Warning: The Icon it vanishes!

This is something that some folks may have got lured into… For the past few weeks, You could put WW Quest Prizes (and needed for Quest Tast) Animals/Trees/whatever on WHATEVER farm you chose to, because the WW Quest Icons would show up on HF, EC and LHC.  Well The joyride seems to be over children.  Because the WW Icon doesn't show on other farms, so I would almost be certain that if you place Trees/Whatever else where You are gonna be disappointed when it doesn't give you the checkmark.  Could this just be a Fluke?  Maybe, Or it could be the new rule.

Anyway to be on the side that is safe, if you want quest completion you likely should keep WW Quest Prizes you need later in the Quest (trees/Animals) on WW.

Plush shipment info.

Because my email is acting just dumb as a brick at the moment, This seemed like the easiest way to make sure the people of interest see this.

Zipcode: 92706

Delv Confirm: 9500 1000 1827 2028 0001 93

Zipcode: 91350

Delv Confirm: 9500 1000 1827 2028 0002 09

Zipcode: 38572

Delv Confirm: 9500 1000 1827 2028 0002 16

Zipcode: 87901

Delv Confirm: 9500 1000 1827 2028 0002 23


Check status at!input.action

The pair of International Shipments should go out Monday, I forgot my customs Forms and that's bad for business.